Stargazing for Beginners: Tips!

Sterren kijken voor beginners: Tips!

Stargazing for beginners: tips!

Do you also dream away when you look at the starry sky? And would you like to literally zoom in a little deeper on all the beauty that the night has to offer? Then you've come to the right place in this article! We present you the best tips for stargazing. From learning to recognize stars and planets to choosing the best telescope for beginners, this is how you will now find your way in the Milky Way!


Learning to stargaze: the basics 

For good stargazing, it is first and foremost important that it is a clear night. Check the weather forecast to see when there are cloudless nights. Find a dark place to focus on the stars, moon, planets and the rest of the universe. The more 'light pollution', the less well you can see the sky.

For example, a dark meadow is a good place to spot the universe. During a full moon it is also a bit more difficult to focus on the stars, but on the other hand, this is the perfect time to see moon craters. So try to alternate different times during the month and throughout the year to fully enjoy all the beauty that the universe has to offer.


Zoom in with telescope

You can view the starry sky with the naked eye, but to see everything in detail, it is better to use a telescope. A quick search on the internet quickly shows that telescopes are available in numerous price ranges. However, you certainly don't have to have the most expensive one to see a lot. We have made a selection of good telescopes for beginners with an interesting price tag. We will tell you more about what a good beginner's telescope should have in a moment, but first some general tips about studying the universe.


Star Watching App: SkyView Free

There are several stargazing apps, so feel free to browse the App Store or Play Store. Our recommendation? SkyView Free! You can download the augmented reality app SkyView for free and use it anywhere in the world. The free version has everything you need as a novice stargazer. Install your telescope, open the app and spot constellations and planets.

The application works very simply. You open SkyView and point your smartphone at the sky. Do you have a star in your sights? Hold the app still and the app will tell you which star or planet you have spotted. In addition, the app also automatically draws constellations, such as Orion or the Big and Little Bear. If desired, you can find additional information, such as how many planets in the solar system it is. Finally, you can also see where certain satellites are located,

including the Hubble Space Telescope and the International Space Station. Can you spot them in a clear sky? They look like moving stars.


Stargazing in the Netherlands: special moments

With a clear sky, the space is beautiful to see anyway. To give your experience an extra touch, it is nice to keep an eye on special days. For example, several meteor showers pass by every month, which means that you can see many shooting stars during that time. View the dates of the annual meteor showers here.

Other important happenings include when two or more planets align in the sky (seen in the same part of the sky). Such a planetary parade could still be seen in June 2022, when no fewer than seven planets were aligned. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn could even be seen with the naked eye. Uranus and Neptune required a telescope.

A blood moon also passes by every now and then, giving the moon a red glow. A full moon is also definitely worth seeing. View all moon phases here. Positions of planets and the moon can be calculated in any case, so if you search in the search engine for what you want to see, a date will often immediately appear. Let's hope the sky is clear!


Good binoculars for stargazing

If you are unsure whether to purchase a telescope, you may wonder whether you can see enough with binoculars. With binoculars you can sometimes spot a few more stars than with the naked eye, and the craters on the moon also become a bit more visible. It is important that you have good binoculars, preferably with a magnification of at least 12x. The advantage of binoculars is that you can easily take them with you everywhere.

However, there are also a few disadvantages to stargazing with binoculars. First of all, it is stability. You hold it in your hand and therefore there will always be a little vibration. You can solve this with a tripod, but if you add the price of a binocular tripod to the price of good binoculars with high magnification, you often end up hundreds of euros more expensive than with a telescope for beginners.


Good telescope for stargazing

Due to the disadvantages of binoculars, we prefer to use a telescope to view the starry sky. Many people think that they have to dig deep into their pockets for this, but nothing could be further from the truth. At least not if it were up to us!

Our own Vultus Official telescopes are characterized by excellent price-quality. We have different models, which differ, among other things, in the maximum magnification. The Vultus 1000114EQ telescope can magnify up to 500x. The diameter of the objective and the focal length also influence the quality of the telescope. You can read more about the specifications of the optics in the telescope here. Our telescopes for

beginners are available for less than €100. You will also discover an explanation video for each telescope to prepare your new telescope for use!

View all telescopes here ->


Best stargazing telescope for beginners: Telescope 30/700

Our recommendation for a telescope for beginners? That is the Vultus Telescope 30/700! What makes this model so attractive? First of all, the entry price, and also the excellent specifications. For example, it can zoom up to 150x (6mm + 3x barlow) and you can use different lenses. You always use the desired settings for the object in question.

That's not all, because this telescope is super easy to use. So easy for a beginner! You can install it within five minutes with the Dutch manual. The tripod is adjustable for any body size. And with the Finderscope function you can easily locate celestial objects. Use in combination with the above-mentioned free SkyView app to explore the room down to the last detail.

View the Vultus 30/700 here! ->


Getting started? Buy a telescope at Vultus!

Excited about discovering the starry sky? Then start your space adventure now with a telescope from Vultus Official. Do you have questions or specific wishes and would you like personal advice before buying a telescope? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to advise you on finding the best telescope that suits you!

View the Vultus telescopes webshop! ->