The very last check

De allerlaatste check

Look, that's useful, a very last checklist. If all goes well, you already have some idea of ​​what features you are looking for in a telescope. It is also important to think about a number of practical matters. How much space do you actually need to store the telescope? Do you live in the city and therefore often have to travel back and forth with the telescope? And do you have a lot or little time to maintain your telescope?


Portability and use

There are fewer and fewer areas in Europe that are truly completely dark. If you live in an urban area, you can take your telescope to a spot a few miles outside the city. Here you can observe well in a dark environment. If you indeed plan to do this, or if you want to use your telescope more often at different locations, it is recommended not to choose a telescope that is too heavy. In addition to the weight, the size of the viewer is also important. In this case it is useful to choose a telescope that is easy to assemble. Finally, it is wise to also keep the size of your trunk in mind, so that you can at least transport your new telescope.


Put away

It is important that the telescope is stored properly if you are not going to use it for a while. This can be difficult with a large telescope. Before you decide to purchase a telescope, it is therefore important to look at the dimensions and weight of the telescope. Does the telescope fit in the storage location you have in mind? It is ideal for a telescope if the room in which it is stored is dust-free and moisture-free. In addition, it is wise to cover the telescope with a cloth. This means less dirt and dust ends up in the viewer. A special storage case can also be purchased for certain telescopes, such a case offers optimal protection for your telescope.



Refractor telescopes and catadioptric telescopes hardly allow dust or moisture to enter. Only the front of the lens can be wiped every now and then with a soft brush. It is mainly reflector telescopes that require periodic maintenance. The most common maintenance is aligning the mirrors. Depending on the type of telescope, this is a simple or complicated procedure. With half-open or fully open telescopes, dirt particles can end up on the mirrors. In this case, you can clean the mirrors every now and then. With expensive telescopes it may be worthwhile to re-aluminum or replace the mirrors after a long time. Don't start cleaning as soon as you see the first speck of dust on a mirror. A mirror with fabric is less annoying than a mirror with stripes. Because streaks quickly appear on mirrors due to cleaning, this can disrupt the image.