Stargazing for beginners: tips! Do you also dream away when you look at the starry sky? And would you like to literally zoom in a little deeper on all the beauty that the night has to offer? Then you've come...
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Look, that's useful, a very last checklist. If all goes well, you already have some idea of what features you are looking for in a telescope. It is also important to think about a number of practical matters. How much...
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A telescope has many different characteristics, which is why we have divided them here into optical and other characteristics. To familiarize you with the optical characteristics of a telescope, we would like to explain the influence of the diameter of...
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In addition to the optics, there is much more in a telescope that influences your image. There are different tripods that are also suitable for different purposes. Or consider filters that increase the contrast of the moon. This way you...
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